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Introducing our highlighted projects from 2005,
focusing on creative solutions for social conflicts

and sustainable social progress.


The Footprints of striving for social integration by KCSCR


Since our founding in 2005, KCSCR have been conducting a variety of studies and practices to support the rational resolution of public conflicts that arise in the formulation and enforcement of government policies.






  • Hold debate in National Assembly for “How to hold fair deliberation for Project on Shin-gori Nuclear Reactors No.5 & 6 construction issues”

  • Project on Citizens` Participating Group for establishing the 5th Comprehensive National Development Plan (2018-2019)

  • Project on Shin-gori Nuclear Reactors No.5 & 6 construction issues

  • ​Deliberation debate on work-life balance measures for low birthrates

  • 2017 5th Korean Public Consciousness of social conflicts survey announcement

  • 2018 KBS (National public broadcaster of South Korea) CEO Candidate Policy Announcement

  •  Manage 2018 Civil Society Organization Public Policy Training

  •  Reliability Improvement Policy for School Life Records

  •  Project on Citizens` Participatory Budgeting System and Citizens` Budget Participating Group (2018) convened by Ministry of Strategy and Finance

  • Conflict Impact Analysis on the Publicization of Dongtan Transit Station

  • Held 2018 Balanced Advancement for Seoul city

  • Hosted Deliberative democracy session in 2018 Seoul International Conflict Forum

  • Project on Gwangju Metropolitan Subway Line No. 2 Construction (2018)

  2016 ~ 2017

  • 2016 4th Korean Public Consciousness of social conflicts survey announcement

  • Hosted discussion of Measures for air quality in the next government

  • Held discussion on legislation enacting government conflict management in Congress

  • 2016 Status Evaluation on Major Conflict Management Projects in Seoul

  • Operated Committee for April 16 Sewol Disaster Memorial Project

  • Electric Power Industry Infrastructure Fund’s Electric Facilities Electromagnetic potential hazard communication

  • Conduct Stakeholder-centered Conflict Resolution Plan for Mobile Phone’s and Home Appliance’s electromagnetic convened by ETRI

  • KCSCR’s 11th anniversary and held discussion of 20th Congress’s role

  2014 ~ 2015

  • 2014. 7 KCSCR re-established / 2014 2th Korean Public Consciousness of social conflicts survey announcement.

  • 2014 Korea Future Vision National Indaba

  • Conduct initial case of Location-Allocation Demonstration Project on 'Third-Party' Based Power Transmission Line(The second Bio-medical science complex in O-song)

  • Conflict Mediation on Seoul National Hospital

  • Conflict Impact Analysis on Poultry Research Complex Relocation

  • Manage Countermeasures for street vendors Committee related Garak Market Modernization Project

  • Published the Conflict Education Standard for Public Workers “Finding Communication and Conflict Management”

  • Published the Conflict Education Standard for Public Workers "Communication / Integration / Conflict Management through Cases" 

  • Conflict Impact analysis of Dalsan Dam conducted by the Advance Review Council / Ministry of Land

  • Hosted the Korea Social Integration Committee’s 2015 symposium for solidate empathy between Conservative and Progressive civil organizations

  • 2015 3th Korean Public Consciousness of social conflicts survey “Korea-Japan joint survey and public debate”

  • ​Held a discussion about evaluation of 10 years government conflict management

  • 2015 Committee Operation for April 16 Sewol Disaster Memorial Project

  • National Assembly Debate on The Development of Autonomous Conflict Resolution for School Violence Prevention

  • Conflict Resolution Conference held for relocation of military airports

  • Mediation of Location-Allocation Demonstration Project on 'Third-Party' Based Power Transmission Line

  • Developed assessment manual of Conflict Management in Seoul

  • KCSCR 10th Anniversary Ceremony and Sponsorship Night

  2008 ~ 2013

  • Conflict Resolution Center was established (Lee Sun Woo was inaugurated as Chairman)

  • Case study of conflict cases of facility location in Gyeonggi-do and research project to establish conflict management system

  • Conflict Mediation on Miryang Transmission Line

  • Manage National Seoul Hospital Relocation and Reconstruction Conflict Resolution Committee

  • Consecutive planning debate for reducing greenhouse gas and reforming eco-friendly energy tax

  • Conflict Mediation on Preservation of National Parks in Baekdudaegan Mountain Range

  • Manage Peer Mediation project in school for preventing violence - Ministry of Education

  • Manage mediating committee for constructing pedestrian crossing on Cheonggye crossroads 

  • 2013 The Korean Public Consciousness of social conflicts survey - Electromagnetic Waves Risk Communication

  2005.03 ~ 2007

  • Former KCSCR established and held  ‘How to solve social conflict in South Korea?’ symposium

  • Advice and training government officials for “concensus, managing”

  • Mediation for social conflict on constructing crematorium in Hanam city, Gyeonggi-do


Conflict Mediation on Seoul National Hospital 

KCSCR won the grand prize at the ‘Public-Private Cooperation Best Practices Contest’

 A mediation committee was created and through year-long mediating activities agreement was made in November 2009. Three different types of collecting public opinion were conducted (Citizen Presentations, Citizen Participatory Poll, Information Providing Poll).


Conflict Mediation on Miryang Transmission Line

KCSCR conducted Conflict Assessment after citizens, government and KEPCO expressed conflicts upon property rights, health rights and life zone. 


 A mediation committee was operated for six months with The Anti-Corruption & Civil Rights Commission demanded by citizens and KEPCO.


Conflict Mediation on Preservation of National Parks in Baekdudaegan Mountain Range

Managed mediation committee to preserve and utilizing Baekdudaegan Mountain in National parks

 KCSCR managed a mediation committee to resolve conflicts on preserving and utilizing closed sections in the mountain range, focusing on negotiation within stakeholders like government, environmental groups and alpine clubs.


Location-Allocation Demonstration Project on 'Third-Party' Based Power Transmission Line

KCSCR was selected as business execution organization in the first Location-Allocation Demonstration Project implemented by KEPCO.

Location-Allocation committee was formed and meeting group was operated to ensure citizen participation and conflict prevention along with operational transparency.


Committee Operation for April 16 Sewol Ferry Disaster Memorial Project

Managed committee for Sewol Ferry Disaster Memorial Project by Ansan City and citizens.

KCSCR managed project committee for Sewol Ferry Disaster Memorial Project by Ansan City for channel of open communication between citizens and local government.


Project on Shin-gori Nuclear Reactors No.5 & 6 construction issues

A successful model for Citizen Participation on National Policy Enforcement and  Realization of Deliberative Democracy

 KCSCR conducted mini-public deliberation to collect citizens’ various opinions upon construction of new nuclear power plant in accordance with denuclearization government policy.

 500 representative citizens were selected to provide policy recommendations on whether construction should be suspended. First one-day session, e-learning session, intensive second session for two nights were successfully conducted.


2018 Balanced Advancement for Seoul city

Seoul city government chose ‘Balanced Advancement in Seoul’ as its first agenda in ‘Seoul-type’ mini-public deliberation with citizens and experts. It was the first time for local government to try mini-publics on national matter such as ‘Balanced Advancement’.

KCSCR drew and realized a policy direction of ‘Balanced Advancement in Seoul’ through citizens’ active participation and deliberation, suggesting new solution mechanism in Conflict Management.


2014 Korea Future Vision National Indaba

Convened by Presidential Committee for National Cohesion

 KCSCR led a series of indabas focusing on the people for establishing Korea future visions.
Four regional indabas followed by comprehensive one were held for ‘Development Plans for Future Community’ (Capital Area), ‘Employment and Labor in Low-Growth Era (Southeastern Region)’, ‘Alleviating Conflicts and Resolving Polarization (Southwestern Region).    


2018 KBS (National public broadcaster of South Korea) CEO Candidate Policy Announcement.

KCSCR generally managed the entire announcement and contributed to secure procedural, democratic justification in assigning CEO of KBS.

KBS board of directors have decided to do candidate's public presentation for electing CEO in order to pursue the transparency and fairness. 142 representative citizens, selected up to 19 years old, attended the presentation on February. On October, 170 representative citizens attended for the 24th KBS CEO candidate's public presentation, and They made deliberation and evaluation for the main policies and goals of 3 candidates for it's election. 


2018 Project on Gwangju Metropolitan Subway Line No. 2 Construction

Resolution of the biggest local conflict for 16 years.

 Among randomly selected 2500 citizens, final 250 went through e-learning programs to gather opinions from experts who were divided upon construction and participated in an overnight public debate. Deliberating procedures were broadcast live and citizens` participating group recommended a commencement of construction but on the condition with arranging complementary measures such as ways to eliminate wasted budgets. Divided stakeholders accepted this recommendation and city government launched the construction work. It is considered an exemplary case for local problem resolution by deliberative governance.


Project on Citizens` Participating Group for establishing the 5th Comprehensive National Development Plan (2018-2019)

Setting the comprehensive national development plan by mini- public deliberation was attempted for the first time in last 47 years.

 170 participants were randomly selected considering allocation on region, gender and age and conducted three consecutive mini-public deliberation sessions, setting up a draft for 'the Charter for National Development Plan' for the first time. 


2017 Measures for the air quality in the next government

The Mini-public deliberation to establish next government air quality measures for people's living health.

 Public deliberation for national health was conducted to maintain clear atmosphere in Korea. Understanding key factors of causes and research direction of Korea, China and Japan was implemented by experts and citizen participation.


Project on Citizens` Participatory Budgeting System and Citizens` Budget Participating Group (2018)
convened by Ministry of Strategy and Finance

Proposals of recommendations (appx. $140 million, on 102 government businesses divided into four sectors; administrative, welfare, social, economic) were made by 300 citizens and reviewed by ministries. After intensive learnings and discussions, the group narrowed down to 39 (appx. $68 million) as final ones approved by the National Assembly.

By participating directly into budgeting procedures, citizens enhanced transparency and responsibility of the budgeting system with contributing to Deliberative Democracy and Financial one as well. It was decided to be activated every year since then.


Electromagnetic Waves Risk Communication

Citizen's workshop held to communicate and resolve conflicts about uncertain risks related to electromagnetic waves

 KCSCR held citizen workshop for communication in uncertain risks of electromagnetic waves. As WHO recommended in ‘Communication between stakeholders on uncertain risks of electromagnetic waves from Transmission Line’, KCSCR was to hold it in neutral position commissioned by Korean institute of electrical engineers.


Mediator Training Academy

Developing Standard Training Model and Publishing Conflict Mediation Casebook, Conducting public-private conflict training

 KCSCR published <Social Conflicts in Korean Society, This is the way to resolve> with representative cases it collected while engaging directly/indirectly in conflict sites.


Copyright © 2020 Korean Center for Social Conflict Resolution  All rights reserved.

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